Prime Minister’s Science Award 2024

Science is the cornerstone of national development and a key factor in the development of quality manpower to support the global change. The importance of education in science, technology, innovation and environmental considerations is of great necessity in today’s society. The making of the youth science project is an important project to promote youth to apply their scientific process skills in project preparation to create new technology and innovative ideas to solve problems in their daily life or within their own community, including receiving support from teachers and educational institutes to create a scientific society and raise scientific awareness. Nowadays, there have been youth science projects submitted in the world-class competition and have been awarded from both domestic and international competition continually throughout the past year.
The Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation (MHESI), The Science Society of Thailand Under the Patronage of His Majesty the King, the National Science and Technology Development Agency, and National Science Museum Thailand, recognize the importance of Thai youth science projects, as well as the opportunity to build a network of youth and teachers who are involved in supporting youth in developing science projects. Therefore, the Prime Minister’s Science Award project has been organized for the 8th consecutive year to select outstanding youth projects and the work of science teachers who encourage youth. This prestigious award from the Prime Minister aims to honor and celebrate outstanding youth and teachers who have made significant contributions and set a good example in science. Additionally, it seeks to foster, promote, and inspire youth and teachers to continue their contributions in science and technology, leading to become scientists and researchers who can develop the country in the future.
Award categories include:
Youth Awards
Prime Minister’s Science Project Award 2024 – Junior High School Prime Minister’s Science Project Award 2024 – High School
Awards for Outstanding Teachers in Encouraging Youth
Prime Minister’s Science Teacher Award 2024 – Junior High School Prime Minister’s Science Teacher Award 2024 – High School